Recent content by olliecaust

  1. O

    Nikon D3xxx owners thread

    D3100 it is! My tesco clubcard vouchers have arrived, so off to jessops to pick it up this arvo... :thumbs: ooooo, i can now feel properly at home on the d3100 owners' thread...
  2. O

    Few test pics with new camera

    lovely crisp shots - no.2 is my fave altho I'm loving the gull on the left in no.3! any chance of a crop of just him (although it would obviously need a bit of sky cloning over his mate...)
  3. O

    Steel-Wool Spinning.

    these are tremendous! Haven't tried it myself (yet!) but have seen a fair few and wondered how it's done, so thanks for the info... these are great considering you've only just started with it :)
  4. O

    Scottish Landscape

    sorry, i wnated to be more detailed but I couldn't quite put my finger on what didn't look right :D looking with fresh eyes, I think it's the highlights of the stone wall... lovely photo though - think would look great aas a large print on the wall.
  5. O

    Critique: Wall of Death

    thanks for the comment Andrew - can I ask your opinion on how you'd process it? I'm a relative novice with Lightroom - it's too easy to get stuck in doing the same kind of style and going with what you know, so I think it's always good to learn new tips on different ways of processing...
  6. O

    Critique: Wall of Death

    thanks for the feedback guys :) thanks Scrubdog - yeah now you've mentioned it the white dots are really distracting... shall try getting rid of them... Grandslammer, I know what you mean - that's the effect I was originally trying to get in the 2nd pic - shot it at 1/125, whilst tracking...
  7. O

    Does this work? (Alternate crop added)

    hmmm, i wonder about cropping the bottom instead of the top?
  8. O

    Preston bus station named as a 'treasured location'

    ha, i'm not old enough to remember that! It just seems like a bit of overkill these days... having said that, I can't remember seeing many bus stations that I've actually thought look brilliant, so maybe it ain't that bad in that context... however, it certainly doesn't deserve to be made a...
  9. O

    Northumberland Coast

    all excellent - number 1 is stunning, but also love the composition and colour in no.3
  10. O

    A dampish walk in the woods

    lovely - ideal for a picture dictionary, alongside the word "Autumn"... TBH, i like the people just where they are :) Big enough to make them out as people walking dogs and add focus to the photo; not too big to make them the subject.
  11. O

    The day destroys the night, night divides the day.

    2 is quite stunning - feels like a black and white movie of 1920s London!
  12. O

    Scottish Landscape

    yeah, i think no.1 is prefeable, the second just doesn't look quite right
  13. O

    Scottish Highlands

    wow, stunning! Hard to pick a favourite as all are great, but I love the drama of the 3rd one
  14. O

    Does this work? (Alternate crop added)

    i think it works really well - lovely shot and nicely processed. For me, the original crop is the better - I think it feels a little less enclosed and better balanced...
  15. O

    Bournemouth Gardens

    i find the first 2 work well; the others notsomuch. number 2 definitly the most interesting of them all, mainly i think because of the top quarter of the photo - the people and the paths all really draw the eye to the river going under the bridge as the focal point of the photo and balances it...