Recent content by olv

  1. olv

    In Camera Sharpening

    This is what makes me laugh so much about the 'straight out of the camera' brigade. You can whack up the saturdation/sharpening/contrast in camera if you are shooting JPEG and you'll get totally different results straight out of the camera. As has been mentioned, if shooting in RAW it only...
  2. olv

    canon 70-200 2.8L IS

    I was always under the impression that the F/4 versions with noticeably sharper that the f/2.8. I wouldn't be willing to swap mine. I'd just pick up a 200mm f/2.8 L prime if I wanted the extra speed. or the 200mm f/1.8 :D
  3. olv

    QE2 Leaving Liverpool

    well he clearly would have, most of what you can do in photoshop was done in the darkroom anyway.
  4. olv

    QE2 Leaving Liverpool

    there's a massive difference between using photoshop to enhance the light that was there and just plonking in extra stuff just for kicks.
  5. olv

    QE2 Leaving Liverpool

    I can just see it now, Ansel Adams sat in his darkroom with an incredible shot from Yosemite and just thinking to himself 'well, this is pretty awesome but you know what it needs? more mountains, BIGGER, and why don't i just add in the moon, oh and what about the sun too, oh yeah looking good...
  6. olv

    QE2 Leaving Liverpool

    rofl since when has adding in extra objects that weren't ever there been 'artistic licence'. this forum worries be sometimes. I went to this awesome sunset display in the peak district recently. what do you think?
  7. olv

    Worst case of speeding I have witnessed.

    what an absolutely absurd idea
  8. olv

    Do any of the manufacturers have a model that JUST takes photos...?

    Any picture styles you choose won't be applied if you shoot in RAW anyway.
  9. olv

    Can you use flash with continuous shooting?

    Normal disposable batteries are really crap for quick recycle times which is what you need when wanting to shoot continuous. You do need some decent rechargeables, 2700mAh+ ideally and even then you will not be able to fire at 1/1 continuous. i can happily shoot at 1/4 for 2 or 3 seconds, 3fps...
  10. olv

    430 EZ flash

    Not sure what it is like with the old ones but custom function #1 on my 430EX allows you to disable 'sleep' mode
  11. olv

    1/500th or faster in failing light with a 580EX II

    Well that's pretty much what oncamera flash is, you're pretty limited to fill in or bounce. It's when you take it off camera that it becomes interesting. One thing to grasp with flash is that even on full power the burst only lasts 1/1000sec, half power is 1/2000sec etc. So if the flash is...
  12. olv

    Car photography

    This can be done on a much more modest budget than most of you are suggesting. PT-04 Transmitter and 2 x receivers - less than £20...
  13. olv

    u wnt ne ice crm?

    errr the title isn't predictive text :thinking: it's just text speak...
  14. olv

    A Few Wedding shots

    #11 #12 #13 #14
  15. olv

    A Few Wedding shots

    I apologise in advance for the jaggedies and lack of sharpness but these are just resized final shots ready for print and I couldn't be bothered to reprocess them just to sharpen for web. So anyway, a few frames from my sister's wedding a few weekends back now. These just make up a snapshot of...