Recent content by philpass79

  1. philpass79

    Lioness Walking

    Never heard of this place until seeing this thread. It looks really good. Great photo!
  2. philpass79

    Jake's New York Thread - Pic Heavy

    Reminds me of our trip there in 2009. Great set of photos.
  3. philpass79

    A Walk Around Sale Water Park

    A few shots taken a couple of months ago during a wark round the water park in Sale: DSC_7899 by Phil Pass Photography, on Flickr DSC_7927 by Phil Pass Photography, on Flickr DSC_7949 by Phil Pass Photography, on Flickr DSC_7935 by Phil Pass Photography, on Flickr...
  4. philpass79

    Walking on water!

    Very impressive.
  5. philpass79

    Fly Away

    LIke it. Very Hitchcock!
  6. philpass79

    Easter weekend and first B&W Attempt

    Nice, I really like number 3. Whereabouts was this?
  7. philpass79

    Silbury Hill, Avebury - Long Exposure

    Being portrait really works.
  8. philpass79

    Assynt Coast

    One and three are amazing!
  9. philpass79

    Lowepro Bags

    Did you have to prove you'd bought it originally, ie. show a receipt? Sorry for the rather late bump.
  10. philpass79

    Scary House

    Excatly my thoughts, would look very vintage in black and white.
  11. philpass79

    Altringham At Night - Through my new 10-22mm

    Just round the corner from me. Like the first one - is that the over bridge at the train station?
  12. philpass79

    Shooting the Rapids

    The black and white images seem to work better than the colour. Three and five seem a bit lacking in colour.