Recent content by phookoo

  1. P

    Nikon Gear Question

    The D7100 fits with what you're looking for, but I think a weatherproof flash will be a tough one - I'm not familiar with many, but I briefly owned a SB900 and that was no more weather sealed than a bog standard variety flash. Others may be able to answer this particular question more, but I'd...
  2. P

    The Philippines 2013 (landscape/seascape heavy)

    I think you have some beautiful shots, but for me, only 6, 8, 9, 13 & 14 really stand out. I like shots where the tog's position is almost invisible & the kayak is a turn off for me. Absolutely no idea where shaylou's coming from, as nothing looks overdone to me - obviously RAW will be flat as...
  3. P

    Need some advice on shooting a dance event

    Thanks for that. I'm intending to get a flags as soon as cash allows so ill probably post for some advice on that over in the equipment forum! :)
  4. P

    Need some advice on shooting a dance event

    Hi folks As the title says, I'm looking for a little advice on shooting an upcoming breakdancing event that a mate is organising. I'm using a D7100, and plan on shooting mainly with my sigma 10-20 f4-5.6 to get some interesting angles/composition & maybe throw on my Sigma 70-200 to get some...
  5. P

    What is your best photo you have taken in 2013 and why?

    2013 was the year my passion for photography exploded. I've gone from my old D3000 to a D5100 to a D7100 in a little over 2 years, and from an 18-55 kit to a Nikon 35 1.8, Tamron 17-50 2.8, Sigma 10-20 & Sigma 70-200 2.8 in about the same. I've developed a love of HDR, landscapes and portraiture...
  6. P

    Merry Xmas - what camera gear did you get ??

    Got the Canon mugs too - both the travel & non-travel ones from different people :) On a more serious front, got a Lowepro 202AW & a Sigma 70-200 f2.8 that I've been drooling over for ages. It's incredible.
  7. P

    Nikon D7xxx owners thread

    This is great advice. I have my U1 set up to shoot a 5 bracket HDR with my sigma 10-20 & U2 is set to f1.8 for portraits with my Nikon 35. It's a very very handy shortcut.
  8. P

    70-200 mk1 vs Tamron or Sigma

    I went through this EXACT dilemma a few weeks back (only from a nikon view, not canon) and was comparing a nikon 80-200 with a sigma 70-200 os. I followed some advice on trying out the tamron as well, and I was very disappointed. The af speed on the tamron was woeful compared to either of the...
  9. P

    Let's see some sunrise and sunset shots

    Shot at totally the wrong iso, so it's noisy as all hell, but here's 1 from today in Plymouth Tamar Bridge by phookoo, on Flickr
  10. P

    Is the d7100 work the extra £200-£250 over the d7000 ?

    The cliNcher for me was the 5-frame bracket option over 3 offered by the 7k, but then I bought it mainly for HDR...
  11. P

    Beginner photographer Nikon d5100 - what lens do I want?!

    +1 to this. For the money, and for a novice, it's superb. I still love mine now, even if I'm thinking of upgrading to a sigma 35 1.4 :)
  12. P

    Critique HDR Experiment (re-shoot - post #19)

    I'm a huge fan of HDR - I love the drama you can add to simple shots, but as many have said (and as I have proved!), you can overcook it. Like many have so far said, I think no 1 has become quite flat through using HDR, when a single exposure would probably have created more depth. But 2 and 3...
  13. P

    New York

    Nice architectural stuff. I'm not so swayed by some of the group shots but that might be a personal choice thing. The one shot I wish you'd done more of/with is the shot of the cop in times square. It's awesome! Crying out for shallower focus though & some work to bring out the details in his...
  14. P

    Bridge over the river……………….

    Superb processing & you really hit the sweet spot with your contrast. Excellent.
  15. P

    Woodland walk.

    2 & 3 are really lovely. Just out of interest, I've been having an arse of a time getting sunstars in my photos with my tamron 17-50 2.8 even shooting at f22+. What were your settings and/or filters? Sorry, I'm mobile and can't view exif.