Recent content by pjmcbear

  1. pjmcbear

    The thunderstorm that has just passed overhead

    Didn't think much to them until I viewed full screen. Very nice.
  2. pjmcbear

    Lacking Inspiration

    I posted on a band forum that I was looking to try some gig photography and that I would supply edited images for free. I had to close the thread less than 24 hrs later, after 22 bands expressed interest. I've shot 1 band so far and I'm shooting again this weekend. Want to see? Sorry...
  3. pjmcbear

    Advice on Autumn colours

    There are a few turning now, but I'd wait a couple of weeks and pray the storms hold off for a little bit, then get the polarizer out.
  4. pjmcbear

    candid train girl

    Yes, she is OOF, but I like it. It kinda reminds me of a French film I saw in the 80's. Can't remember the name, but the imagery stuck in my head, so I must have liked it. A tighter crop might benefit it, but I would use the two people to frame the girl.
  5. pjmcbear

    Amy's smile

    Like it. Nice catchlights. I would have moved in closer and got her eyes on the top third. You can always crop it.
  6. pjmcbear

    Finding a Free Model!

    Neil, hope you don't mind, but I checked out your profile on TFP. You need to populate it with more info to get responses. Have a look at mine for ideas - someone from the site helped me and I started off with the four images at the bottom of my profile. Not had a single no show from the site...
  7. pjmcbear

    Paying for models?

    Chase them up. I had to after 3 weeks and I was approved the next day.
  8. pjmcbear

    Kiana - C&C Welcome

    Thanks guys, and well spotted X100.
  9. pjmcbear

    Advice re family photos with teenager

    Find out what he likes to do, then try to incorporate said interest into the shoot. Make his shoot darker, edgy, more gritty. Explain what you want to do with him, get his input on the idea. Make him look cool. Once that's done he might be more eager to please mum with a "nice" portrait...
  10. pjmcbear

    help please advice ?

    Learn composition and the use of natural light first. JMHO.
  11. pjmcbear

    Kiana - C&C Welcome

    May I ask why?
  12. pjmcbear

    Kiana - C&C Welcome

    Experimented with glasses. Can't see ****** without them, LOL.
  13. pjmcbear

    Posing Help - Sisters of differing sizes

    Larger lady stood slightly behind the slimmer. That way part of the larger lady would be hidden by the slimmer, making her look slightly slimmer. Pursuading them to wear darker clothing and posing them in front of darker backgroud would also slim them. Do the same if sitting and remember to...
  14. pjmcbear

    Kiana - C&C Welcome

    They can't be that good that no-one can offer critique. Even I can see focus is off on #3, LOL.
  15. pjmcbear

    Newborn Portraits

    Add a pillow under the cover too. The baby looks a little lost in the basket. If you haven't go a space heater try a hairdryer. I've mounted one on a light stand before no and had warm air blowing over the baby. The sound of the dryer is like white noise to the baby, so quite soothing too.