Recent content by pontyphoto

  1. P

    London 2012 Olympics Gallery

    I have posted a gallery of my pictures from the summer Olympics if anyone would like a look . Cheers Nick
  2. P

    What wedding lenses - your suggestions/recommendations

    I shoot with a 24-70 and a 70-200 but I am seriously considering buying prime lenses and just soles using them. Namely a 24 , 50 and 85 . The depth and quality is amazing also pin sharp!!
  3. P

    Anyone else use 500px?

    I have 500 pix app on the iPad and it's great for flicking through pictures.
  4. P

    Family Studio Shoots

    Just make small talk and hopefully you will find something that you have in common. Shoot with a 50mm lens. Best thing to do with a family is to have them sat on the floor legs to the side. Adults can be holding kids if they are small enough. Evenly lit with small soft boxes and a white background .