Recent content by Pudding

  1. Pudding

    Images Loosing Quality after Exporting from Lightroom 3

    Hi, thankyou for your replies but the problem occurs before exporting. When i click Develop, my photos appear at their best but then second i click Library they lose sharpness, but the colour doesn't appear to be affected that much. When i export, the photos look the same as they do when i...
  2. Pudding

    Images Loosing Quality after Exporting from Lightroom 3

    Hi there, I'm having a slight problem, I have Lightroom 3. Whenever i empty my memory card the images go straight into Lightroom 3 automatically. In there they look sharp, vibrant and just generall really good quality. The problem is, the second i export them from Lightroom they...
  3. Pudding

    Nikon D90: F-- ??

    Thankyou, I've removed the lens and reattached it and it seems to be working fine :D Phew i'm glass it's only something simple and not a fault on the camera! Panic over! Cheers again
  4. Pudding

    Nikon D90: F-- ??

    Hi everyone, I was so upset on my course tonight, my Nikon D90 we were doing the session on portraits which i've been really looking forward to. My camera was working fine, had it on manual playing around with shutter speed and exposure etc then i notice that instead of showing 'F4' it...
  5. Pudding

    [ - E - ] ??

    Thankyou :)
  6. Pudding

    [ - E - ] ??

    Thankyou :) So even if it's still there when it's switched off it should be fine?
  7. Pudding

    [ - E - ] ??

    Hello, i've just picked up my nikon d90 today and i've switched it off after playing around with it and removed the memory card but the small screen on top of the camera still displays [ - E - ] in the bottom corner. Before i removed the memory card it displayed a number. How do i get rid of it...
  8. Pudding

    New here and could do with some advice

    Thankyou everyone! Just like to let you know i'm now the proud owner of a nikon d90 18-105 mm kit! I've also got the lightroom 2 software :D very happy!...not put it down since it finished charging! Although, i've done my playing around for the night as i'm shattered and even...
  9. Pudding

    Gowy Sunrise

    I love it too, it's got an almost fairy tale feel to it. Sneak out more often :D
  10. Pudding

    New here and could do with some advice

    So that's base, lens, photo editing software... planning on getting a camera bag, tripod and memory card aswell. Is there anything i've missed?
  11. Pudding

    New here and could do with some advice

    I'd totally forgotten about photo editing software.... What would you reccommend??
  12. Pudding

    New here and could do with some advice

    I'd like to i really would, but i wouldn't like to play around with credit cards and balance transfers etc just yet. I'm hoping this kit will do me well for the next few years while i save for the pro gear. Then hopefully i'll have more of an idea of what i'm looking for when it comes to...
  13. Pudding

    New here and could do with some advice

    Thankyou for all your responses and help :) I think the Nikon D90 is for me! Feels good to finally make a decision! :D Thankyou Rob, i'll have a look into this it seems really good!
  14. Pudding

    New here and could do with some advice

    Thankyou all! Again :) Starting to gain a better understanding now through all your explaining! I've just stumbled across a Nikon D90 18-105mm Lens Included £799.99 Buy now pay 6 months later offer in Argos. I've used a Nikon D90 before and was quite impressed with it (but what do i...
  15. Pudding

    New here and could do with some advice

    Hi Everyone! Firstly thankyou loads for all your advice!!! It's massively appreciated! I've taken it all on board, I'm unable to go second hand as i'll have to pay for the camera etc on a monthly basis but thankyou for that advice it may come in handy in the future with other bits of...