Recent content by qccphotography

  1. Q

    Wild (not a baited bird) Little owl project action shots

    Wonderful shots. They really are but don't use the "non baited" title because they are.
  2. Q

    Wild (not a baited bird) Little owl project action shots

    Why use the title un baited when they are not?
  3. Q

    Wild (not a baited bird) Little owl project action shots

    whatever, there were 10 shots of an already dead mouse after my initial response. Your pictures are wonderful but your title of non baited remains, untrue.
  4. Q

    Wild (not a baited bird) Little owl project action shots

    These are some absolutely wonderful Little Owl shots. But, maybe remove the, not baited, disclaimer from the thread picture 72 as I'm sure the mouse didn't commit suicide.