Recent content by RandomGeordie

  1. RandomGeordie

    Tour of Britain

    Lovely images. It's coming through my home town of Bedlington tomorrow, planning on ditching work early and heading there for a few shots. I plan to shot this like I would horse racing, as they're probably travelling at a similar speed. But I'm unsure whether to use the kit lens and go for some...
  2. RandomGeordie

    A bit of a crap image

    Ah yes I see what you mean now! I was more focused on the M6 as that's where the majority of the traffic is. You could probably edit in more trails using the existing ones in photoshop. It's not something I could do myself but I'm sure plenty others could offer advice.
  3. RandomGeordie

    A bit of a crap image

    Just a quick note on this, from what I can tell of that image the far right hand lane is in fact the hard shoulder, so it would be expected to be empty. I could be wrong mind. I don't know the layout of the road there.
  4. RandomGeordie

    Newcastle Light Trails and Civic Centre

    Cheers guys. I'm pretty pleased with the 2nd shot but I'm not sure the footbridge is really helping it too much. However it was about the best compromise I could make to get the traffic and the surroundings in. The first one I actually got lucky with, as I was moving position and heard the...
  5. RandomGeordie

    Newcastle Light Trails and Civic Centre

    I've been out tonight to capture some light trails on the Central Motorway and stopped off at the Civic Centre on the way home. I'm still pretty new to night photography in general, and I've been doing some reading on settings etc but I'm just not sure what I can do better with these. So...
  6. RandomGeordie

    Hello from Newcastle (upon Tyne)!

    Thanks Norkie - I'm just making it clear I'm not from Newcastle-under-Lyme in Stafforshire! I know most people will associate Newcastle with the North East, but I'm making sure haha.
  7. RandomGeordie

    Hello from Newcastle (upon Tyne)!

    Hi, I'm Lee and I'm from Newcastle. I've had my D3100 for a few years now and for a good year or so was off to as many horse racing meetings as I could manage. That's all stopped recently but I'm hoping to get back at it, as well as taking in some horse trials and other sporting events if I can...