Recent content by rdasilva

  1. rdasilva

    Free Lowepro Mini Trekker AW with Practical Photography subscription

    the same here... I had signed up for practical photography and I was expecting to receive a mini trekker and today the orion trekker has arrived, I do not like this bag at all even the practical photography magazine did nothing for me. Now I'm trying to get hold with someone to sort this bag...
  2. rdasilva

    Advice please - shooting in macro

    Hi Hill are the Raynox lens fit in both lens 18-55 and 55-200 ??? I'm asking you this question because I'm in the same position, I got D40X 18-55 kit and 55-200 DX VR, both are crap but can't afford nothing else for now... Cheers
  3. rdasilva

    Great tool to demonstrate lighting set ups

    have a look at this site, you can find many ways to set up studio lighting, is a kind of online lighting school, but is free and there are plenty tutorials
  4. rdasilva

    Wedding contract and Booking form

    Hello all ;) I will shoot a friend wedding next month, I won't charge him anything but because I will use some of these pictures on my upcoming website and my portfolio I would like to have some contract and a booking form to avoid problems, I have found some samples on google for Booking form...
  5. rdasilva

    Wedding bill

    Hi Guys I will shot a friends wedding next month, I won't charge him anything but because I will use some of these pictures on my upcoming website and maybe portfolio I would like to have a release form or contract signed to avoid problems, is there anywhere I could get an up to date copy ...
  6. rdasilva


    Well done man, they're amazing. Just wondering which lens have you use? xxx
  7. rdasilva

    Hello All

    Thanks Rog xxx
  8. rdasilva

    Hello All

    Hi my name is Rogerio, I'm originally from Brazil, but living in london since 1999. I just star a photography and photoshop CS3 course and really enjoy it. I hope I will get lots os tips and tricks in here :thumbs:. Cheers xxx