Recent content by rhysherbert

  1. R

    A pheasant being watched.....

    Haha, excellent. The depth of field is perfect here, and the way the deer are all 'posed' is great!
  2. R

    Sunrise, Mist and Deer

    All gorgeous. Number 1 looks like something from a Disney cartoon! Very surreal. #4 is my favourite I think, but that decision took some time!
  3. R

    first light

    Very beautiful shot, the composition is spot on. Those Autumnal colours are tempting me into a trip to Knole Park myself!
  4. R

    Arctic Foxes

    Great shots - love the improvised lighting. Number 1 looks like he's missing an ear!
  5. R

    Recommend a lens for Nikon 35mm?

    Ah I didn't realise! Hadn't even tried them out since getting the film camera :bonk: Thanks for the heads up!
  6. R

    Recommend a lens for Nikon 35mm?

    Thanks for the advice! How is the optical quality of the 28mm f3.5 AI may I ask, sharpness-wise?
  7. R

    Recommend a lens for Nikon 35mm?

    Sounds like you're well versed in the art of traditional lenses :lol: I'll have a look into the three you've mentioned. Thanks very much for the effort you've gone to here!
  8. R

    Recommend a lens for Nikon 35mm?

    You're right about the website not being up to date :lol: Will have to give them a call I think. Thanks for the link!
  9. R

    Recommend a lens for Nikon 35mm?

    Ah I think I might've been there once or twice. Thanks! I have an 18-55mm kit lens and a cheapo 70-300mm, but I just assumed they were both DX lenses and thus not compatible. Is that correct?
  10. R

    Recommend a lens for Nikon 35mm?

    Good evening fellow TPers. I've recently been going through this 'old is the way forward' phase, and just bought a Nikon F601 online for around £20. Anyway, it was delivered yesterday and I've realised that the one lens that I have which is compatible (my nifty fifty) is quite restricting in...
  11. R

    Female Sparowhawk from today

    Awesome set. The eyes on these birds are amazing!
  12. R

    Kenya or Tanzania

    Can't recommend Kenya enough. We went on one of the tours that meant we stayed at 4/5 different places, and although the travelling can be a little tough, it's entirely worth it. (Hint - get a blow up cushion to sit on in the van. It may seem like nothing, but it really helps!) You also have to...
  13. R

    a couple more wrens

    Great crisp shots, bravo!
  14. R

    Help me pick up a camera!

    Haven't had any direct experience but if you go for the Nikon D90, I've heard really good things. You'll certainly have some change left over for lenses, accessories etc. Think they're going for around £350-400 (sorry, exchange rates aren't my strong point!) used with a kit lens.
  15. R

    Gap Year Advice

    Apologies for the lack of replies as of late, been busy with exams (ohhh, the plight of a teenager!). Wow, that sounds like an amazing trip. I hope I can get someone to go with, I think it'd make me a lot more confident. As it stands I've got a friend who is partially interested, but I...