Recent content by Rich79

  1. R


    I rank them as 2 (1st) 3 (2nd) 1 (3rd). I think I would rank 3 higher, but I don't like the selective colour thing, B&W with red, same as with number 1.
  2. R


    The 2nd darkened sky is overdone I think. Impressed with the improvement from the original photo though, nice processing. Nothing to do with the processing but for me the border spoils it, very cheesy.
  3. R

    Uncle and nephew

    Very nice! I agree though that the kid outshines the uncle. The kid is so sharp and well lit, and the man is just lacking something. Unfortunately I have no idea how this would actually be fixed.... lol. Really nice photo though.
  4. R

    Image from Oxford walk about

    Is the left hand building distorted? Or is that just my eyes?...
  5. R

    bus stop

    Like it. However it would be much better re-shot from a better angle to get the bus stop and the background building separate from each other.
  6. R

    Supermarine Spitfire

    I like it! Ditch the border though I reckon
  7. R

    First HDR - thoughts please

    Is the door actually wonky? As a photo, its ok. Just not a very interesting subject really.
  8. R

    HDR software

    Same here. Photomatix pro3. Very easy to use, pretty good results. Got it for about 30 quid.
  9. R

    Upgrade lens for Sony alpha

    update: bought the 50mm 1.4
  10. R

    Calling all Sony Alpha users! (Part 3)

    Just ordered my first prime lens for the a300! Got the sony 50mm 1.4 winging its way over here by Thursday, looking forward to it as Ive only got the 18-70 kit lens at the mo.
  11. R

    Calling all Sony Alpha users! (Part 3)

    Has anyone got any experience with the Sony 50mm 1.4 or the new 1.8? Found excellent reviews of the 1.4, but very little info on the 1.8. Is the 1.4 worth the extra £120? Cheers
  12. R

    50mm prime on aps-c query

    great, thanks for clearing that up. Ill have to think of some more newbie questions... Thanks again
  13. R

    50mm prime on aps-c query

    Thanks. Just a little confused though, think I meant field of view then. The 50mm prime gives a wider view than on a aps-c camera doesnt it? Essentially all I want to know is will both the 50 1.4 and 1.8 give me the same view as the 50 on my kit lens?
  14. R

    50mm prime on aps-c query

    Hi all, Silly question I'm sure but... On my Sony A300 what length will the sony 50mm 1.4 and the sony DT 50mm 1.8 give me? Are they different on my camera because the 1.4 can accept FF but the 1.8 is aps-c only? To get an idea of how restrictive a sony 50 1.4 or 1.8 would be on my...
  15. R

    Upgrade lens for Sony alpha

    Ive also heard that the Tamron 17-50 f2.8 would be a good alternative. Some reviews claim it rivals the cz 16-80 for sharpness. Anyone used this, or have any thoughts? With so many choices I'm now also considering the 50mm 1.4 prime, and just say goodbye to zooms full stop!