Recent content by RichardT

  1. R

    Love the early mornings!

    Really like 1 & 3.... 2 less so, mainly because the gate is falling away to the left.
  2. R

    Hello from Dorset

    Thanks Lozpop and Amethyst :wave: Dom - poor you, having to go back to the carribean :thumbsdown: I agree, Poole town isn't great, but the area is superb :)
  3. R

    Hello from Dorset

    Thanks for the welcomes...I think! I suppose the interpretation of 'deepest, darkest Dorset' depends on where you're coming from! If you're in the Highlands, I reckon the whole county of Dorset would be described as 'deepest, darkest' If you're already in Dorset, where I am is neither...
  4. R

    Average price for setting up a simple website

    I use - really easy to set up, reasonable cost (starting price is very cheap) and never had any problems with it. Most of the templates that they have available look professional too, in my opinion.
  5. R

    Hello from Dorset

    Morning all, Semi-pro photographer from deepest, darkest Dorset :D Working on making it my full-time, and only, occupation but it's taking longer than I'd want it to...still, all good things... Looking forward to sharing ideas and knowledge with you :) Richard