Recent content by rikki1q

  1. rikki1q

    Nikon d200 problem

    Looks like it was an issue with the battery, i was using a 3rd party one and it was registering as full. Took it out popped in an official nikon one and all is well again
  2. rikki1q

    Nikon d200 problem

    I came this morning to use my d200 for the first time in about 2 weeks or so, when i put the lens on (a nifty 50) all the camera would do is display r25 on the top screen. I'm aware that r25 is something to do with the buffer on the camera, more worryingly the screen wont come on and non of...
  3. rikki1q

    The Mach Loop

    I have seen many many amazing photos that some of you guys have taken in the mach loop (near RAF valley i think) ? im going on holiiday to machynlleth next year and was wondering if anyone could give me any info on how to get to a decent vantage point etc any info would be much...
  4. rikki1q

    Bag for hiking?

    ive just been and bought a fastpack 250 after seeing it in jessops for 39 quid! seems like just the ticket
  5. rikki1q

    Bag for hiking?

    a friend of mine recommends the fastback series by lowepro anyone have one of them and can offer some insight?
  6. rikki1q

    Bag for hiking?

    I do alot of hiking at weekends and i'd like to be able to take my camera with me, at the moment i have a crumpler pretty boy shoulder bag which is fairly useless on long hikes! I'd like a bag that will take a Nikon d70s with a lens attached and enough room for a couple of other lenses, also...
  7. rikki1q

    Tripod help

    i got the red snapper tripod on offer and its my first "proper" tripod and its a really well made and sturdy bit of kit. For the price u cant really go wrong
  8. rikki1q

    Red Snapper Tripods

    hahah brilliant i didnt notice there was a pocket on the inside ! silly me
  9. rikki1q

    Red Snapper Tripods

    Ive been looking for a decent tripod for a while and i saw the red snapper offer on and decided to have one of them and a head. Its a cracking bit of kit (no i dont work for them) and id recommend them to anyone :) Cheers Rik
  10. rikki1q

    asus eeepc and the like

    ive been looking at getting one of these netbooks/mini laptops or whatever you want to class them as. So does anyone use these as a photographers too and are they any good or just a fad gadget ? Cheers Rik
  11. rikki1q

    The Bigma

    im seriously looking into getting a sigma 50-500mm fairly soon does anyone have any views on this lens good and bad and does any one have any example pictures they could post so i get an idea of image quality. Thanks in advance Rik
  12. rikki1q

    A couple from waddington

    looks like i couldnt get them to work after all :(
  13. rikki1q

    A couple from waddington

    Better late than never i suppose ..... more of a try at putting pictures into a thread than anything else though :)
  14. rikki1q

    Identification required

    cheers guys! i wonder if its nesting close by or it was just a flying visit (pardon the pun)
  15. rikki1q

    Identification required

    I know the picture isnt all that good but we had an inteloper into the garden and i wanted to know what it was any one got any ideas? Cheers Rik