Recent content by rnomis

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  3. rnomis

    Tip Top Electronics

    Thanks for the constructive comments. When I bought from them, credit card was not an option. Yes, a little OTT to do this on my first post. I shall however start to create a 'Gallery' for my photos and look forward to comments. I have been away from photography due to stress and work pressures...
  4. rnomis

    Tip Top Electronics

    Thanks Big soft moose. I much better response which didn't stress me out. I wasn't aware of the subject being closed just yesterday. I had been meaning to do this for some time but pressure of work etc. I just want to see a new dealer do well as they had given me good service. I often write...
  5. rnomis

    Tip Top Electronics

    What is the matter with people? Just because I submitted a favourable review, it gets reported as a fake. Look at my portfolio on ephotozine; to see that I am a real person, search for my facebook: Simon Reynolds in Brighton and then apologise.
  6. rnomis

    Tip Top Electronics

    I have read a lot of negative views about Tip Top Electronics and wanted to give my six-penny's worth: I have left it a couple of months in case other people's views had proved correct but no, they are still trading. I was a little nervous buying from Tip Top Electronics. I had not heard of...