Recent content by Roch1991

  1. Roch1991

    Street BMX

    Thanks, I love using fisheye lenses :)
  2. Roch1991

    Street BMX

    Thank you very much, much appreciated! :)
  3. Roch1991

    Street BMX

    Last week a friend of mine was at a petrol station in Rochdale as he was passing through and just off the forecourt, there was an amazing flat bank which was screaming to be ridden. So on Tuesday night I went down with him to have a look and took my camera with me just on the off chance we...
  4. Roch1991

    Street Skateboarding

    No offence taken, pal! That's why I posted the photos, to get other peoples' comments on them and advice on where I can improve myself :)
  5. Roch1991

    Street Skateboarding

    Thanks guys :) I know what you mean about the repetitiveness. I did try some other shots from different angles instead of just near the floor and looking up, but they didn't come out too well. Next time I will experiment more and try different approaches :)
  6. Roch1991

    Street Skateboarding

    Thanks, it's one of my favourites and nope no flash involved.
  7. Roch1991

    Street Skateboarding

    Thank you very much :) I can see what you mean about the girl, I need to start learning how to use Photoshop so I can clean up my backgrounds and such, I just use Lightroom for my editing.
  8. Roch1991

    Street Skateboarding

    Thanks, I found it a bit unusual at first with it being fully manual but I got the hang of it I think .
  9. Roch1991

    Street Skateboarding

    Here's a few photos I took a short while back whilst testing out a fisheye my friend had just bought. These were taken on a 60D with a Rokinon 8mm fisheye lens, any comments and advice welcomed :) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  10. Roch1991

    Le Mans Classic 2014

    Very nice set, like the 4th shot and especially the spin in shot 3. As Fozzy19 said, I must get myself out there one year, it does look amazing.
  11. Roch1991

    F1 Testing @ SIlverstone, 9th July 2014 - Drifting Caterham!!

    What a cracking shot! :clap: I'd love to attend an F1 race let alone photograph it, very jealous indeed.
  12. Roch1991

    Oultons Mini Festival 13th July

    I spent most of my time in between Old Hall and Cascades, I stopped taking pictures shortly after lunch time so I could enjoy the racing.
  13. Roch1991

    Mini Festival at Oulton Park, 12/07/2014

    Thanks, I've had quite a good response from number 7, it's a personal favourite of mine too :) Yeah I love Wolseley Hornet's/Riley Elf's, there's just something about them.
  14. Roch1991

    Mini Festival at Oulton Park, 12/07/2014

    Hi, since this is my first post please excuse me if I make any mistakes haha Well this weekend I went to Mini Festival at Oulton Park, which is my local track. I really wanted to take some panning shots of the Mini's but I didn't have a zoom lens at hand so I made do with my Canon 60D and Sigma...
  15. Roch1991

    Oultons Mini Festival 13th July

    Really like 1 and 4. I was there myself and loved the older pre 66 Minis but sadly only had an 18-50mm lens with me so I couldn't get great panning shots. The BMW MINI's did put on a good show though with lots of contact :)