Recent content by RosieParsons

  1. RosieParsons

    Where to get distressed floorboard backdrops

    Awesome thanks Peter, that looks ideal!!
  2. RosieParsons

    Where to get distressed floorboard backdrops

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys! Sounds like is going to be the place to go I think!
  3. RosieParsons

    Where to get distressed floorboard backdrops

    I want to do some product photography (of my own products, not branching out into professional product photography!) and am planning on using natural light, but I would like to get a nice distressed floorboard type background. I'm having real trouble finding much on the internet, just one place...
  4. RosieParsons

    who would you love to do a shoot with??

    I would have loved to photograph the George Clooney wedding!! Venice is such a gorgeous backdrop for the photos as well!
  5. RosieParsons

    Do You Ever Feel Like Giving Up

    Sometimes it can be tough when you feel like you've done a great job and then the client has different expectations and is disappointed. There have been a few times that has happened to me and it's easy to feel discouraged, but you have to remember all the joy your photos have brought other people.
  6. RosieParsons

    Photographing my own kids - help (not technical) pls

    I spotted these on Etsy - you pop them over your lens and it gives the children something to look at for a little while at least! You'd still need to be quick though! I agree with the others - make it part of a fun afternoon out where there are other activities and then get them to sit together...