Recent content by rowano

  1. R

    Post-processing v straight from the camera

    It's great to get a good image straight out of the camera, but almost always I look at my snaps and think 'oh that's a little dark' or 'it's a shame that sign was there'. A quick PP can correct these. I doubt I've ever seen a prize winning photo that hasn't been PPd and there's a reason for that.
  2. R

    Bieszczady, Poland 05:30a.m. (HDR)

    Number 3 for me, but only because the foreground looks a tad overcooked in 2
  3. R

    Polarising filter

    Thanks for the advice. I'm taking ND for landscape, etc. I think I'll just get one and have a practise with it before I go...there's plenty of interesting wildlife around Stoke at the weekend ;)
  4. R

    Polarising filter

    OK - so by the sounds of it no CPL required - thanks guys! I'll be taking ND and ND grad filters, was just a little concerned about saturation as much as anything.
  5. R

    A Red Squirrel - My Favourite Shot So Far.

    Beautiful image - so clear and great colours. The big tufts behind the ears and drops of water make it look like a transformation into a gremlin is about to occur!!
  6. R

    North Yorkshire Moors

    Lovely colour on the heather. Was driving through there last weekend...alas without the camera :(
  7. R

    First outing for night landscapes

    Agree with Mike - I like the orange in the image.
  8. R

    Polarising filter

    I'm undecided about getting a CP filter. I've read plenty about them and still aren't sure, so advice please. Is it useful to have on safari for photographing animals? Anyone who has any comparisons - pics would be very much appreciated. btw - was going for Hoya HD - good/bad/indifferent?
  9. R

    Going from 200mm to 300mm - Much difference?

    I've recently swapped my 55-200 for a 55-300 and am glad I did. It's not as good as the 70-300 (not full frame, slower to autofocus) but I'm pleased with the shots I've been getting and it is cheaper if budget is important. The VR is good, I can easily take hand held images at 300mm. You can...
  10. R

    ND Filter - Which one

    I'd be interested to hear if anyone has used any of their other filters too?
  11. R

    Flowers and bee

    OK, first post in C&C. Just got a nikon 55-300 and had a play with it yesterday. C&C more than welcome, I think it's a little soft around the edges? Thanks!
  12. R

    International Space Station

    I never knew you could make out the number plate on the ISS ;)
  13. R

    Loch Leven Panorama

    Wow - those reflections are amazing. YOu could almost turn this upside down and not be able tell which is top and bottom!
  14. R

    HDR Lake District *Originals Added*

    A bit too overdone for my liking...but I love the way they sky is reflecting off the water in no. 6 - great colours and a really moody sky.
  15. R

    Coke gets mugged

    Ha ha!! There's been trouble bru-ing for a while in the soft drinks industry ;)