Recent content by saruman

  1. S

    Beyond 300mm For D600

    Many thanks for the replies. Combining lenses with TC's seems to be the preferred option. Therefore would the loss of upto a couple of stops depending on the TC be compensated with increased ISO. :help:
  2. S

    Beyond 300mm For D600

    Upto £1500.
  3. S

    Beyond 300mm For D600

    Can anyone suggest a good lens for taking wildlife pictures. I have a Nikon 70-300 mm lens at present, so I am looking for something to supplement that. I does not necessary have to be a Nikon lens as these can be quite expensive.
  4. S

    Nikon D600 / D610 Official Users thread - Anything D6x0 related

    I have: Nikon 24-85mm lens kit Nikon 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED - Superb lens