Recent content by scaramanga69

  1. S

    Galactic core

    Hi folks went out the other night for a pop at the galactic core this was the best effort I could come up with , bear in mind I have done minimal PPing to this and it has not been stacked or anything like that, ( still learning that stuff), the orange glow unfortunately comes from a cafe who...
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    A bit cheesed off actually!........

    WOW , I can't wait for the weekend , my missus is competing at an equestrian event this weekend , Im definately going to bring the DSLR and fire the 300mm 2.8 out front and see what happens, was just going to use me camera phone , not bloomin likely now LOL :lol:
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    US Soldier Charged with Leaking Video of Reuters' Photographer Being Killed

    As depressed as I am from seeing this and would not care to watch it again, Ive just shown it to my brother in law who (Im not going to go into too much detail) is a Royal Marine with 40 Commando , he just said "typical Yanks I'm afraid " (his comment not mine ) he very much gave me the...
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    Red defending his cage

    LOL , all he needs is a swallow tatooed on his hands to complete the pic
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    Excellent photography tips site...

    I must thank you for posting that link, I dont think Ive laughed that much for ages :thumbs:
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    Yesterdays TT superbike race

    Here's a few more,
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    Yesterdays TT superbike race

    Took about 900 photos yesterday so have'nt had a chance to go through them all yet, but spotted this one among them that I particularly liked because you dont often get to see them so tightly bunched up, will post more when I get the chance. This was at Brandish by the way.
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    2010 Isle of Man TT

    Aha I thought someone sitting there as I was dodging the ********s on my way home :cuckoo:
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    Peregrines in action.

    Hi Fracster, I love any bird of prey shot, hopefuly going out with a guy I know from one of the local shoots who is a falconer, he has a Goshawk and a Peregrine, I'm hoping to get some action shots of the birds on red legs this year ( I stress Hoping)
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    Warning Graphic Picture of Matador being Gored

    Hmm, well Ive hunted for probably 35 years and all different types of hunting for that matter too mostly revolving around the pest control area of things, but I wont be hypocritical about it, bull fighting does not sit well with me, I help keeper on a local grouse moor, our grouse are very much...
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    How is it done?

    Ive done it using the lasso tool , but can't remember exactly what I did was just messing about and experimenting.
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    Hand held shutter speed!

    I do a lot of full bore rifle and pistol shooting and in my experience when using a rifle with a zoom telescopic sight wound right up to the maximum magnification your field of view narrows considerably and when trying to keep the crosshairs centered on the target it is harder to do as what you...
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    Hong Kong equipment suppliers

    Thanks for all the advice and input, Ive just ordered the lens from Kerso , that sort of money just felt too risky to spend with a company basically on the otherside of the world dam near, Im sure there was probably nothing to worry about, but I just kept getting a feeling knowing my ***** luck
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    LOL love it nearly spat me tea out