Recent content by seanmcc1

  1. S

    Road racing (cycling)

    I would say on the whole that it does work, composed well, nice panning and focus, all spot on. I think I am struggling with it being black and white, a colour version could give greater contrast against the background, and thus a stronger image.
  2. S

    My first go at smoke art

    Very nice, like 1 and 2 very much.
  3. S

    tyne tunnel

    I like the mono best, works well IMHO
  4. S

    24 hours on Anglesey.

    Some really stunning images here, fab location well captured.
  5. S

    Steel Band

  6. S

    Drumbeg - Assynt

    Beautiful shot
  7. S

    What She saw...

    Great set of shots, 3 is stunningly good.
  8. S

    Sophie - A little Girl....

    Great capture, love the expression, and sympathetically processed.
  9. S

    A few more flower stacking

    Lovely shots, well executed.
  10. S

    Wire wool fun.

    Really good, well thought out and executed.
  11. S

    Porn for Lez

    Great set of images, great to see this sort of shot done really well
  12. S

    New York City

    Nice set of shots.
  13. S

    tyne tunnel

    Love the first one, as a bit of a B&W freak, think it would work as a contrasty mono.
  14. S

    First Ever Photographs - Be Nice -Droplets

    Nice shot, great for first time. Lower POV, if poss could enhance
  15. S

    Dancer or athlete...?

    Wow and stunning, great series of shots