Recent content by simurphy

  1. S

    Cambrian Rally 2013

    I*love the stratos pic too. well done
  2. S

    Ice Hockey Setup Advice

    I don't know your focusing system but on a nikon you can have single or continuous. You need continuous. And you can have a delay in the continuous, you want this low or none. The DOf is pretty narrow at 2.8 so your focusing (camera movement) needs to be good. I*use singe spot 3d near the...
  3. S

    Degree or practical experience?

    There is an awful lot of good study material on-line these days,, OU, OCA. Photography is one of those activities where people can see what they are getting so a strong portfolio of work is valuable, perhaps more so than a formal qualification for many potential clients. (perhaps not...
  4. S

    OK then, let's see YOUR infrared images please.

    No, no smoothing or anything general. Might have done some minor cloning somewhere (under the eyes can appear darker than normal light).
  5. S

    BMX/scooter pics

    Thanks Carl I'll take a better lens next time
  6. S

    BMX/scooter pics

    Hi here are a couple of recent pics, any feedback welcome. Sorry about the quality the 200kb file limit caught me out. thanks
  7. S

    Airborne In Woburn

    Nice set. A bit more context might be good (takeoff or landing point).
  8. S

    BMX/MTB Skatepark

    nice set of pics concentrating more on the people. Bit over processed for my taste and I'd prefer to see the landing or take off to get some context, but it looks like it might have been tough to get into a shoot position to do that. The last one is a good drama shot.
  9. S

    OK then, let's see YOUR infrared images please.

    Some lovely pics above. here are a couple of mine.. Love IR, especially the skin tones it produces. I often convert to BW or not... (D80 720nm)
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    Kite Surfing :-)

    nice image, good to see the height and the waves breaking. I'd like to see it with the top cropped off from just above the harness and cropped in from the right to keep the proportions.
  11. S

    Action / extreme sports photography

    I've looked for this in the past and not found much I'm afraid. There isn't even that much general sports stuff around. You might need to hunt out an experienced photographer and ask them if he can help for a day or if they can put a training session together. (find them via local events?) Or...
  12. S

    Website Check

    seems to work fine for me firefox 15.0.1
  13. S

    Skiing in Whistler - first attempt at AI Servo on 5d3

    Nice pics 3 is my fave as the spray and the dynamic shape the skier is making give it some drama. On the last one either he absorbed it or a shot a split second later or earlier might have had more excitement, with perhaps a tighter crop too. (Ski clinic wise: the subject of 1&4 might focus...
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    We've all done this before!

    Class safe to assume he is shooting at ISO 100 with sunlight WB then? (one of those 3 catches me out most times I pick up my camera)
  15. S

    Safety whilst out

    I guess it depends what you are shooting, but I tend to go out on a winters evening between 5 and 10pm. I do other stuff in the summer. I certainly avoid town centres at kicking out time. And as others have said keep some awareness. (listening especially, although I nearly 'defended myself'...