Recent content by skywalker

  1. S

    Dodgy Mobo?

    Check what version windows you are running . Only 64bit can run more the 4gig
  2. S

    Ugg Boots - tell me about them (Tall or Short?)

    a very commercialised designer label. huge amount of fakes knocking about.
  3. S

    Laptop screen flickering and going black

    if the sale falls through on the screen i will take it for £20
  4. S

    Dongle problem...!!!

    do not use wep if you can help it , It takes less than 5min to bash the encryption key
  5. S

    Web Design Courses

    Totally agree with you
  6. S

    Web Design Courses

    There is plenty of knowledge/ material for you on flebay very cheap . When you got on with the web design look further afield at the SEO side of things . This is what will make your business ££££.
  7. S

    Web Design Courses

    Be very careful on booking any distant learning courses , I left a job as a electrical/mechanical engineer of 12 years . A guy comes down to my house and says because of being of an engineering background a Mcse course would suit me better and that when i have passed i will be looking at...
  8. S

    CRB Checks

    Dont people today need an ESD to do any work with children.
  9. S

    looking at a nd filter

    Thanks for the info :)
  10. S

    looking at a nd filter

    I am looking at getting a 67mm ND filter only for the coastline and waterways could someone point me in the right direction on the best one for my needs . Thanks.
  11. S

    Computer help needed, RAM question

    You will not see a big difference with just 1 extra stick of ram. Yow will need to update your OP in the future as Microsoft are only supporting XP until 2012 ( i think) The only other way is to overclock your pc
  12. S

    Please can you tell me if your PC displays my website correctly?

    It is a far better design. You still need to pay attention to the size of your fonts .
  13. S

    Please can you tell me if your PC displays my website correctly?

    For a first try it's a good effort. You need to brush up on your coding skills if you want to get placed in the search engines. Send me a pm if you want advice on SEO.
  14. S

    High kicks and near squeaks

    what lens are you using to take these great shots