Recent content by Spaceman

  1. S

    40D with 2.8 - Focus - Action Shots

    Thanks for your replies. Yup, two questions. One of the problems with animals / dogs is the unpredicatably of movement – unless doing staged stuff. So keeping the AI servo tracking nicely is important. I’ve read that the high precision at 2.8 is good – but how good...
  2. S

    40D with 2.8 - Focus - Action Shots

    Hi - new here. I have a 40D and use the 70-200 F4 L lens, mainly for action shots (working dogs). Thinking about buying the 70-200 F2.8 L - mainly for the extra stop to keep the shutter speed up. The high precision focusing at 2.8 - is it good for AI Servo and action shots - anyone used...