Recent content by Starlet

  1. S

    Walking the dogs

    just a quick one of Roxy and another
  2. S


    Martin who im working for just now dropped his £1200 lens a few weeks ago so im hoping it might come my way for a reasonable price. :naughty:
  3. S


    Haha funny you should say that, she had an amazing dress and also four bridesmaids and a flowergirl.....they all had dresses made for them too! then there was the two cakes, the hair and make up at a lovely salon, for all 6 of them... i think you might be right!!! :clap: To be honest...
  4. S


    Well a couple of months i posted photos of my first solo wedding. I had said to the couple as it was my first wedding they could decide what they think the photos are worth rather than me saying pay me X amount and then them turning out horrible, plus i knew they were on a really tight budget...
  5. S

    First wedding photos

    Ifs fuinny you should say that i only noticed the writing when i was looking through them at the end of the day and i was kicking myself. I was just saying that to my brother last night though. It was really rushed before hand and because of that i started to panic a bit, i was so stressed...
  6. S

    First wedding photos

    Im glad to have some feedback! I wont learn otherwise so thanks. The castle was a bit of a nightmare as far as drainpipes though, they were on every corner. i dont have photoshop so my brother has taken the memory card to see if he can do anything with them. all the group shots would of...
  7. S

    Has this ever happened to you?

  8. S


    I agree with your wife, i think you would regret it!! maybe you just need some fresh inspiration, maybe try something new that you havent tried before. At least if you keep your equipment and dont use it your not losing anything and you have it there if the urge takes you, if you sell it your...
  9. S

    First wedding photos

    Thanks, they got ready at the nursery she works at and its in the middle of an industrial estate so the background wasnt exactly pretty so thought we would try something funky!!
  10. S

    Has this ever happened to you?

    The camera is only 5 months old and has had a easy life. Its not so much looking for someone to blame but I have spoken to a couple of other people and the general opinion seems to be that had the camera and lens been sent away still together they may of been able to be repaired, by the guy in...
  11. S

    First wedding photos

    This was my first solo wedding.....] 1, In the grounds of the castle 2. The flowers 3. Their son 4. Before the wedding 5. Her perfume 6. Flowers 7. Just something different 8. A new take on a firemans lift!
  12. S

    Has this ever happened to you?

    Well i did my first solo wedding last saturday. I bought a couple of lenses from the photographer ive been working for. My brother was my second camera for the day and he was useing the long lens (70-200) and when he tried to take it off it stuck....he rushed to jessops to see if they could...
  13. S

    Impreza STi

    i love 1 and 5! We got 2 scoobs and ive tried Photographed them but they dont ever come out like these! Like the Reg number too! :clap:
  14. S

    My dogs

    These were taken a few weeks ago...our girl on the right had to be put to sleep not long after this was taken so couldnt bring myself to look at them. Anyway they were taken while i was on the hammock in the back garden.... just before all three of them jumped on the hammock and sent me...
  15. S

    Its win win

    Truely...that happened!! only we didnt ask..they did!!! every imaginable combination of groups was wasnt just groom with parents it was groom with mumm groom with dad, groom with both bride and groom with mum blah blah blah and just when we thought we were finished it was the...