Recent content by stevejack

  1. S

    Disabled Photography

    It might be that the things that you previously enjoyed photographing are no longer accessible to you. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing for you as a photographer. I know it was mentioned earlier in this thread, but I think you should lean into your disability as a photographer. Remember -...
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    Critique Looking for feedback and suggestions

    Thanks wambam Thanks Phil, this portrait was taken as part of an emotions study, just expressions which were organic to the conversation at the time. It doesn't matter so much why she's frowning but if it were frustration with me that would probably make a good portrait in itself. I think I...
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    Critique Looking for feedback and suggestions

    I'm fairly new to portraits, especially working with them in post, and I'm looking for suggestions and feedback for how to work with this image in post. The setup is a large umbrella main high camera right, with a strip box fill at camera left. 3-4 stop difference between main and fill to try...
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    Beginner to portraits advice

    Try looking for a local TFP facebook group in your area (Trade for Prints). Usually you'll find lots of models of all skill levels looking to build a portfolio, they will model for you in exchange for freedom to use your images in their portfolios / instagram etc. Personally I don't think that...
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    Shooting for the first time in ages

    Nicely done, you can certainly do a lot with a little. More kit will open up more opportunities in terms of the number of lights you can put to use, but basic gear is usually just fine. One thing I found really helpful when trying portraiture was the Set.A.Light.3d software. You can put in the...
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    Do you shoot just one topic?

    Talking with other photographers there seems to be two sides to this, and I've spoken with some who even feel they can't explore other genres. There's a lot of youtubers who say photographers need a style that they're known for, that's how you attract followers and people coming to view your...
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    Which composition works best for you?

    I think a lot of people are in agreement that trying to get too much into the image can fall short, it's a nice image but it would have worked brilliantly if two things were different. Firstly the woman pushing the pram - Her leg would ideally not intersect with the man's arm. Secondly...
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    It's Snowing

    Lovely shot
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    Critique Bluetit

    Nicely shot, you've left a little of the background between the birds legs (just FYI if you missed it).
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    How do you shoot birds in flight?

    Thank you, hope it can be helpful (y)
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    Critique Architecture (part) with a 300mm Lens ?

    Hi Steve, I know this is an old post now but as no-one else has answered I'll try to provide some pointers. Architecture with a 300mm lens is a good challenge, it allows you to zero in on isolated details in the architecture and it helps to simplify your composition and eliminate distracting...
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    A few bands

    Great shots, the expressions in the last three are brilliantly captured.
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    Critique Attempt number 2....

    Cropping is such a personal thing, there's not really a right/wrong answer but just ask yourself why you're cropping the image in the way that you are, how does it benefit your subject and your photograph, and also to keep aware of the lighting in the final crop. What works in camera can change...
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    Keeping dry and sitting comfortably?

    Ah ok makes sense, thanks for the insight.
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    Keeping dry and sitting comfortably?

    Why would the gimbal be pointless for field sport, especially when the aim is to reduce fatigue with the large primes? I can't work with a tripod at all, way too restrictive in term of movement and fast adjustments... But a gimbal on a monopod gives complete freedom of movement in all...