Recent content by StevenFullerton

  1. StevenFullerton

    Phottix triggers in the uk?

    Hello all, I'm looking to experiment with some e-ttl off-camera flash. Im looking to source phottix stratos (or any other e-ttl 2.4Ghz flash triggers) in the uk or from europe. Any help?
  2. StevenFullerton

    So Im going to the jungle...

    Right. Basically. Ive been asked to shoot footage for a documentary in south america, using HDSLRS. Im looking for advice from togs with experience shooting in jungle conditions, about keeping batteries alive, keeping stuff dry and keeping stuff safe. Looking for suggestions for bags...
  3. StevenFullerton

    FPS advise

    depends how precise you are at capturing an image. think about a sniper. Boom Headshot - 1 bullet marine - SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY - 400 bullets. both do the same job.
  4. StevenFullerton

    1080p Vaio Display or Dell Truelife WLED? (or Mac?)

    MacBook pro screens are untouchable in both aspects of colour and contrast. Really nothing even comes close.
  5. StevenFullerton

    £200 for first DSLR?

    id say buy a panasonic compact rather than a crap old beat up second hand SLR thats 6 years old and could die at any minute.
  6. StevenFullerton

    £200 for first DSLR?

    tell him to stop being cheap and get the real money out.
  7. StevenFullerton

    Want rechargeable AA batteries & charger for 580EXII...Which is best?

    regardless of the fact they are pre-charged, do eneloops hold any other advantage over say 7day shops (not good-to-go) ni-mh batteries?
  8. StevenFullerton

    Apple Macbook casing

    you can't get replacement cases i dont think. What i would advice however is a Speck Case for them. They are essentially plastic cases that clip onto your MB. Ive had one on my MBP since about a month after i got my mac, its kept it in pristine condition. Its taken alot of scratches for my mac...
  9. StevenFullerton

    17-40 f4L .VS. EF-S 17-55 f2.8 IS

    The 17-55mm is the best lens you can put on a crop body bar primes. the 24-70mm is a lower resolution than the 17-55mm because it is designed for smaller sensors.
  10. StevenFullerton

    50d owners....

    its already sitting at 599 in the uk in some places, cant see it dropping any further before they stop making it. However i reckon it will still retain alot of its value the same way the 40d did.
  11. StevenFullerton

    Canon 24-105L

    i used a sigma 24-70 pre buying my 17-55mm - its deffo not wide enough without getting quite a distance between you and your subject. 17-55mm is your best bet on a crop. 24-105 aint quite as high reso as the 17-55.
  12. StevenFullerton

    What lens to hire for Paris?

    10-22mm total brilliant lens.
  13. StevenFullerton

    7D focus points vs 50D

    7d is way better than the 50d, First time i looked through the VF i was like 'woah, its like a jet fighter HUD'
  14. StevenFullerton

    Canon 60D

    no flash sync port :(