Recent content by Stouthearted

  1. Stouthearted

    Nifty Fifty ---First impressions

    Thanks for the kind words...I would recommend this lens to anyone at any ability levels. Having a prime lens on your camera really makes you think more about your composition. It hardly ever leaves my camera!
  2. Stouthearted

    I know "Winchelsea" again.....

    Second shot is very nice. much better textures than first photo. B&W works well too. Nice job.
  3. Stouthearted

    Nifty Fifty ---First impressions

    Yeah nifty fifty is a nickname for a 50mm lens with a wide apeture. I bought one for my Nikon D80 for about $100US. It's also great in low light.
  4. Stouthearted

    Nifty Fifty ---First impressions

    I'm very new to DSLRs, I've got the cheap Nikon 50mm f/1.8 and I can't believe the photos I'm making with this lens. Pics made with my nifty fifty always stand out from my other photos.
  5. Stouthearted

    Portland Headlight

    I love this lighthouse and photograph it all the time...I found these conditions very difficult and had to do some tweaking in PS.
  6. Stouthearted

    Having a baby!

    Thanks for the kind words...we're due April 15th!
  7. Stouthearted

    Having a baby!

    This will be our first child. I love taking these pictures and my wife is never camera shy!
  8. Stouthearted

    Maternity photography

    Thanks for the feedback everybody...I like Dazzajls edit as well. I'm still learning how to use my new D80 so I've been getting some inconsistant exposures. I also agree with you annao...a little softness goes a long way with these types of photos. My wife and I are shooting these daily now...
  9. Stouthearted

    Maternity photography

    Wow this is harder than I thought. Please help as brutally honest as you can. I really want to have some great photos of this time of our lives!
  10. Stouthearted

    B&W with colour

    good stuff. I recently experimented with the same effect here:
  11. Stouthearted

    My new 50mm f/1.8

    This picture is noticeably soft. I expect more from this I doing something wrong???
  12. Stouthearted

    My new 50mm f/1.8

    Love the DOF in the above picture, but I'm not getting maximum sharpness when I stop down the lens (see below). Any advice???
  13. Stouthearted

    My new 50mm f/1.8

    Just learning how to use this great lens
  14. Stouthearted

    A Gull

    Great shot, I have a gull too...check it out Mine looks better fed!
  15. Stouthearted

    First photos with my new D80

    Is this picture to large???