Recent content by swestphotos

  1. S

    Dancers - 'It takes two...'

    Really awesome shots!
  2. S

    My first time shooting kids - opinions needed with pics

    People love that overexpose skin until it's just light... I don't like that style much. I like to see skin texture, but I'm also not a fan of dirty... Top down is nice if there's a nothing background... but maybe not this much top down :) Perspective is everything... Maybe get into his world...
  3. S


    Awesome expression!
  4. S

    Argyll, a few around the area

    #1 can be changed, just use a crazy perspective, like get really close to the mud below and shoot at like f22 to you get crazy detail... then just get one of the mountainsides so you have something in center... persepective is much more interesting and more fun to shoot. #2 either shoot more...
  5. S

    Critique: Milky Way practice

    Thank you all! Really appreciate the feedback! Heading back out Saturday night to try again :)
  6. S

    Uploading to Facebook.

    Can we get a screen shot? Print screen key, open paint, ctrl + v, saves as jpeg...
  7. S

    Howletts wild animal park

    Seems like focus is an issue... and color tone is weird. Maybe auto white balance and single point focus? That should help... what kind of camera?
  8. S

    Natures little ones

    great stuff!
  9. S

    First Go At Macro

    Really cool stuff! Don't know about the 2nd one, but neat anyway, don't usually get to see them so close... and don't wanna!
  10. S

    Help! Canon 180L Macro

    Make sure your in camera settings are not somehow set for low sharpness or something as well... the first image you posted the focus was clearly off. Manual focus is best, and using liveview in macro is a MUCH MUCH better idea than leaning awkwardly to look in a viewfinder! :) Also try single...
  11. S

    A few more flower stacking

    Nice stuff, easy sell for postcards or greeting cards I imagine
  12. S

    A couple from Amazonia

    yeeeps I wanna see that things face up close! Pretty cool
  13. S

    Macro advice please - PHOTOS ADDED

    I'd take it all too... of course, I take my camera equipment everywhere.