Recent content by tawacom

  1. T


    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: nice good to hear that nd now you got me thinking :thumbs: i have just learnt something sweeet
  2. T


    Mat i will learn any verdict on 500d what lenses do you use and for what if you dont mind.. thanks:thumbs:
  3. T


    i see you use sony how good is it compared to the canons and nikons if yoou know i just got used to the canon and used since 300d , 350d 400d and looking to upgrade now...
  4. T

    setups and shots with home studio setup Thread

    waaaaaaaaaal :thumbs: guys im learning from all this, the thread has grown. Respect to all those sharing i will be getting my gear ready soon and post some pics..:clap:
  5. T

    Wedding Photography - equipment

    this thread is helpful i m looking to get my gear for various uses hopefully two bodies good enough for indoor and outdoor uses then the lenses for outdoor and indoor uses.. weddings, portraits, event photos, concert photos, parties, corporate events hope to get some affordable gear...
  6. T

    What camera system shall i go for

    The 450d is just getting a bit old and dont want it to fail me so just upgrading instead of buying the same ... i will be taking some outdoor portraits like for the weddings then indoor portraits thus poor lighting though i will have a mobile studio setup. As for the crowd photos obviously i...
  7. T

    What camera system shall i go for

    Hello guys i am a learning events photographer covering all types of events, weddings, parties .... I have just bought myself a new DS40 printer and working on which camera i will get for the events. kind of confused on what to take as i need something good to let me progress from my 400d and...
  8. T


    Hie guys just a newbie both on this site and in the industry still learning .... hope to learn more here ....:wave: