Recent content by TheHogMother

  1. TheHogMother


    A rainbow always makes me smile
  2. TheHogMother

    Kit :)

    I dont have a budget but definitely not huge lol - It will be on an as and when basis with regards to funds -
  3. TheHogMother

    Alexis - Newborn

    gorgeous :love::love::love:
  4. TheHogMother

    Kit :)

    Hi newbie here in terms of it all - I want some for of basic lighting kit mainly for indoor portrait shoots but maybe some outdoor ones Macro lens ( though I think I am going to start with filters) and a tripod Would love some recommendations please - quite happy to start at...
  5. TheHogMother

    Fun in the garden.

    Second one is beautiful
  6. TheHogMother

    A few from Kenya

    I love the first - but I found the metal? bit in the water just right of centre dragged my eye it away - other than that it is a gorgeous shot
  7. TheHogMother

    My wife Amy

    I like the second one I love her expression and the angle x The first is too bleached for me x
  8. TheHogMother


    gorgeous shot
  9. TheHogMother


    I love the second shot of the lavender the colours and motion of the flowers is gorgeous
  10. TheHogMother

    Couple of new portraits

    I love number two of the gun :love: fantastic shot
  11. TheHogMother

    newbie macro filters?

    Thank you that was very helpful esp with the photos and kit used info x I think a set of lenses if definitely the way for me to go to start with :clap:
  12. TheHogMother

    Snail and a spider

    It was meant to be the spider - however every time I got it the wind blew again - serves me right for trying to snap some inbetween the storms lol - I gave up in the end ( well the storm came back) but for some reason I really like the photo :thinking:
  13. TheHogMother

    Do you unplug during a thunderstorm?

    I don't feel like I should now though
  14. TheHogMother

    Snail and a spider

    Ok - so I have had my camera a week and really want to get a macro lens as I love the close ups I have seen. I took this today - just my standard lens on my canon eos 500D This one I really like Then my spider - not sure why but I just really like something about this image