Recent content by thekwango

  1. T

    A walk in the snow

    really like number 4. looks like a scene from the narnia books/films. Also really like 5, wonder what it would look like with the left tree cropped out of the shot altogether?
  2. T

    Colchester Zoo

    love the lion shot......wonder what he's thinking!!
  3. T

    A few from New York

    gorgeous shots. i particularily like #6, though maybe just wee bit too much flare under the bridge on the right? i know the feeling. i love seeing shots of this quality but have how inadequate it makes me feel:'(
  4. T

    Football Promo Composite

    i'm no pro, but just as someone looking at the pic i'd do the following..... have the ball heading towards the team badge instead of going over it (looks like he's missed the target) 2ndly i'd have much less blur on his foot 3rdly, you've shown dirt rising in the ball trail but no sign...
  5. T

    accessories for my honeymoon??

    Ok folks, sorry for the delayed 'thanks' ;-) All points duly noted. However because of the areas we are visiting I'd actually prefer to have the trusted D3100 with me. Ps. The suspenders panties and a bra is already ordered and as for Viagra well lets just say I ain't got no need for that ;-)
  6. T

    accessories for my honeymoon??

    hi all, got a question i'm hoping you informed bodies can help me with. I'm off on honeymoon to the south west of france in mid august........ i've got the D3100, kit lens and a wired remote release, but i'll obviously need a few accessories. Does anyone know if this is a decent camera...
  7. T

    Deep down in the woods

    love it. makes me wanna take a walk down the opening and see whats in the light!
  8. T

    trying to make the best of lack of sun

    got to say the colour one has it for me too. i like the way the left lane seems to draw me into the picture
  9. T

    Knoydart - Britains last wilderness

    i'm still in the early learning phase, and i don't know how artistic an eye i have, but some of these pics give me goose bumps!! that's gotta mean they are good!!:thumbs: brilliant pics:clap:
  10. T

    Embedding a link into photo

    i simply attached the file that had been created by photoshop when i saved the picture with the link inserted - i think!:thinking: . i'll check properly when i get home this evening. thanks for your help
  11. T

    Embedding a link into photo

    i assume so, i sent him the file that was created by photoshop, do i need to also send the picture as a seperate file? i assume that's what i did when i added the added the text with the web address and then created a slice around the text and placed the relevant code into it any idea...
  12. T

    Embedding a link into photo

    Hope I'm asking this in the right section, apologies if not. I took a few shots for a friend over the weekend and he asked me if it was possible to add a piece of clickable text to the photo that would link to their website. After a bit of googling and playing with photoshop i thought i...
  13. T

    Official Olympic Torch route thread

    my modest efforts....Ballycastle, Northern Ireland 1. the torch and runner 2. this chap has really gotten into the spirit of things
  14. T

    Too much Sea and Sky?

    That was what i couldn't put my finger on. i knew there was something about the shot i liked but just couldn't quite figure out what it was. the removal of the boat(not a buoy!) and the black border have really transformed it. i could just stare at it and drift away into the sky and sea now...
  15. T

    Too much Sea and Sky?

    woah! gotta say that really really improves it. wish i had a more artistic eye like that:(