Recent content by ticktockpix

  1. ticktockpix

    My Boston/Pug cross 'Bug'

    More than likely, she hoovers the whole house so has usually got something stuck to her face.
  2. ticktockpix

    Bird and a duck.

    Haha.. Of course! A bloody goose! Ha... I was thinking, it isn't a swan, it MUST be a duck! I reckon there's been some googling going on!
  3. ticktockpix

    Bird and a duck.

    Ok.. I know nothing about birds, but I got this snap in San Frans Golden Gate park on my hols. I got a better one of a squirrel on the same bench (but thats clearly not a bird so will leave it for a different thread! Ok.. so I also know nothing about ducks, but i'm sure this is a duck...
  4. ticktockpix

    My Boston/Pug cross 'Bug'

    First time sharing a few pics on here, so I thoughti'd start of with something familar to me. This is my dog. I have hundreds of pics of her. She also features on a couple of M & S cards from when she was a pup. Supermodel material! :)
  5. ticktockpix

    New member

    Cheers. It looks to be a great forum after having a little look around.
  6. ticktockpix

    New member

    Hey, hey. Just joined TP looking forward to learning a lot from everyone as well as sharing some great photos. I have a website with all sorts of my random photos on there from both my Canon DSLR and just my iPhone (just for quick & easy pics). Take a look if you like I...