Recent content by Top Cat

  1. Top Cat

    Medical photography opportunity

    Remarkably niche. I never considered such a job exists. :D
  2. Top Cat

    Desaturated Images: An Analysis of Style

    I was kind of hoping for more discussion, but it seem my thread about exposure compensation is more popular. :/ Is this topic in the wrong place? : S
  3. Top Cat

    Desaturated Images: An Analysis of Style

    Hello all. This is gonna be a bit different today. I've been noticing a lot of pictures with a sort of dreamy desaturated look to them, and I'm really keen to try it myself. Does this style have a term for it? Or a movement named after it, I don't know. I don't know anything, that's why I'm...
  4. Top Cat

    Stoke on Trent locations

    Never. :nono: You should be proud of our ice-cream coloured transport (raspberry ripple no less). But if by crap you expensive, and by expensive you mean crap, then yes. :p
  5. Top Cat

    Stoke on Trent locations

    Looks like I'm gonna have to get myself a bus pass to check all these places out. :D
  6. Top Cat

    Exposure Compensation

    OK. I get it mostly, and see that EV changes whatever it wants to depending on the mode selected. But I'm still confused. In "full manual mode" :D, where one can alter the EV (and I have both a Canon and Nikon DSLRs :S), what is being altered/shifted: the shutter, aperture, or iso? or is it any...
  7. Top Cat

    Stoke on Trent locations

    I've just moved back to Stoke myself. Quite a transition considering I lived in front of the sea for lived by the sea for three years at uni. Over here the closest ocean view is...blackpool. :S It's different. It's definitely different. Stoke is a bit ugly, it has to be said, but that's where...
  8. Top Cat

    Exposure Compensation

    I hate to ask such a silly question, but I am slightly confused. :p I've figured out the basics of shutter, aperture and iso in terms of halfing or doubling the light in terms of stops. :) So, what exactly does exposure compensation do? Is this yet another means to change your...
  9. Top Cat

    Books on composition.

    Well, yes...but that applies to everything, really. From acrobatics to mathematics. Saying that art is a thing that either you have or you don't is utter rubbish - and a depressingly dismissive assertion. If anything, I argue it is merely harder for us as a species to understand ourselves and...
  10. Top Cat

    The follow on from my work in Africa...

    Excellent. I just acquired the 60D for the same purposes, and you realy do need some kind of stabalisation. A steadicam would make things a lot easier! :D Especially within the HDSLR indie community. Unless you acquire a video camera designed for purpose like the Canon EX-3, which has enough...
  11. Top Cat

    Photo in DSLR Magazine :D

    Were you paid for this?
  12. Top Cat

    How would you shoot this scene?

    20 people isn't a lot. I'd have them all dive into one giant ball - make a big pile mess. If it's a nice silly photo that is. ;) Are the vans important? :/ that complicates things a bit...
  13. Top Cat

    How would you shoot this scene?

    Erm...being more constructive...:lol: Make sure he tries to get as close as possible, and if he's not pressed time - experiment with positions and poses. (If the team-spirit consensus agrees :)) A wide angle will certainly help -if- he has one. However, I'd try both the ultra wide and the...
  14. Top Cat

    Talkin Tarn

    I wish could teleport.
  15. Top Cat

    Looking for a photographer for music video shoot. (Newcastle)

    I think the general consensus is that the photographer just needs to be cautious, is all. :) It's really down to the photographer in the end...It's him or her who has to really evaluate whether the opportunity is, quite frankly, worth it.