Recent content by wetsocks

  1. wetsocks

    My lionfish

    thx mate :thumbs:
  2. wetsocks

    My lionfish

  3. wetsocks

    Show us your pets.

    who said pets need to be hairy? lol this is my marine tank
  4. wetsocks

    Suck it & see

    very nice, so cute :D
  5. wetsocks

    arowana rivershrimp feeding

    thanks guys, yes they are endanger animals and listed in the CITY1 appendix. don't worry though, because i have all the paper work :) those two asian arowanas are around 22"-23" each, so yeah big fish. i get the live river shrimps from a local aquatic shop not too far from where i live, they...
  6. wetsocks

    arowana rivershrimp feeding

    been feeding my arowana live river shrimps today
  7. wetsocks

    Looks a bit fishy to me...

    excellent set, love no1 and no5
  8. wetsocks

    Bald Eagle

    ouch, thats sharp! well done :)
  9. wetsocks

    my pair of asian arowanas

    thx rh1944 :) thx turbotoes :) they both are about 22" - 23" in length, and they are a breeding pair. at the moment they are living with my stingrays and siamese tiger fish.
  10. wetsocks

    yellow tang and clownfish

    thx iron hammer, i too have this problem so i decided to take it with my 100mm-300m and sitting as far as i could, so the fish can act natural instead of hiding or on the surface looking for food.
  11. wetsocks


    nice and sharp! foxy! :D
  12. wetsocks

    my pair of asian arowanas

    hello all, my pair of asian arowana. one is a red and the other is a gold (RTG)
  13. wetsocks

    woburn safari park

    hi all took this pic in the bird house