Recent content by Willis

  1. W

    The Family Flea Bag

    Ladies and gentlemen, i give you, Toto lol. He has a few physical flaws and was in a bit of a hyperactive mood when i took this so i was lucky to get him in this position but i quite like it.
  2. W

    A few nightclub/live music shots form a newbie.

    Cheers guys. Number 1 i just took out of necessity really, wanted to actually show that there was a crowd watching him haha. The guy in number 3 is a friend of mine, top bloke! 1 and 4 were with a canon 'nifty fifty'. The others were with the EF-S 18-55mm lens and a Speedlight 430EX.
  3. W

    A few nightclub/live music shots form a newbie.

    Hey guys, i've had my 400D for a few months now and have pretty much unintentionally found myself taking photos for my local paper at club nights and live music events. Thought i'd post some up for some (brutally honest if you want) criticism.