Recent content by WozzaTT

  1. WozzaTT

    Cannon 500D or Nikon D5000?

    I had to decide between these two and went for the Canon. The Canon is lighter and the screen higher res (I think!) which is what swung it for me. The Nikon does have the flip screen but I'm pretty sure I would never have used that feature. Canon were doing £50 cashback when I bought mine...
  2. WozzaTT

    First Year of University - My 365

    Loving this thread Sean. Where are those Carnage shots? :D Oh - and how do you rate the HTC Hero?!
  3. WozzaTT

    Introducing me

    Welcome Scott :wave: What sort of stuff do you like to shoot?
  4. WozzaTT


    Apologies if posted before, but this is so clever:-
  5. WozzaTT

    First Year of University - My 365

    Loving this thread! :thumbs: Glad a weekend at home is doing you good - you can't beat home comforts sometimes!
  6. WozzaTT


    Hi and welcome! I would say you can't go far wrong with either the Nikon D3000 or Canon EOS 1000D, both of which are well within your budget. Don't forget you'll need to buy a memory card and probably a bag too, maybe a tripod and a card reader etc etc. It all adds up! Do a search on here...
  7. WozzaTT

    Camera Settings For Glamour Shoot

    No but can I come and watch?!! :D
  8. WozzaTT

    Memory cards

    I think because they're digital, in terms of quality they're all exactly the same. The only difference you'll see is in terms of how fast they perform when taking shots, and the amount of memory of course. For shooting movies you would need a fast card. I think you can't go wrong with SanDisk...
  9. WozzaTT

    OptimusBri's self portrait 365

    Superb and very sexy! :thumbs:
  10. WozzaTT

    Newbie Question

    Quality! Thanks for the replies :thumbs: Now got to decide whether I need to venture out or see if I can get decent shots from the house (river is at the bottom of the garden). Will update my profile with the kit I've got.
  11. WozzaTT

    Newbie Question

    Hi, How do I take shots of a fast moving river? I'd like to be able to take one showing the water 'frozen' (as it were!) and one of the water moving ie blurred effect. I'm guessing different shutter speeds? Apologies for the lack of technical terminology!
  12. WozzaTT

    Forty Days 'til Life Begins (and so it begins!)

    Great shot and a fitting end to your 40 days of photographs :clap: I was 40 not long ago and had dreaded it for the 12 months before, then it came and went almost without me realising! Hope you'll be the same - it's fine on the other side :)
  13. WozzaTT

    OptimusBri's self portrait 365

    Your best yet - a superb shot :cool:. Another one to follow to get inspiration!
  14. WozzaTT

    Forty Days 'til Life Begins (and so it begins!)

    Wow - have just seen this thread for the first time tonight and I love it! Only got my DSLR on New Year's Eve and due to the weather and work and everything else I've hardly taken any shots yet so your photos are very inspiring. I think you should be chuffed to bits at what you've achieved...
  15. WozzaTT

    Hands up who does not back up thier photo files...

    Cheers Jeff :thumbs: I've only had the camera a couple of weeks and not had time to have much of a play yet but I certainly intend shooting in RAW to see what it's all about. At the moment I'm just using the Canon software that came with the camera but have also downloaded Picasa which is...