Recent content by Yorkie-girl

  1. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    Hello Nick, some good work whilst you are away. I like the picture for 'change'. Great ideas and great improvisation. It all works very well. So not long then until you are back? Am sure the great work will continue on your return.
  2. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    :) Great improvisation Nick. Especially like the 'dark' idea. Mineral...yes that works. Never knew such a vast amount of opportunities a metal body can hold!!!! There you go...body :) Great that you are still keeping up with the challenges :clap: Love the work!!!!
  3. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    Good work Nick and well done for keeping up with the themes whilst working as well!!! :clap: Some great work here and I really like the contrast photo. The interpretation of contrast works really well in this photo, in alot of aspects :) Good to see you back here and keep up the good work :)
  4. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    Hi Nick, Good to see you still have the opportunity for some great shots. Shows alot of effort and inspiration with such limited props :). Well done, some great shots there. I like the 'mood' shot ...... did it cheer her up at all??? Great entrance photo for China Town....very...
  5. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    Hi Nick, I agree it was a difficult theme this week but I think you have captured the theme very well. I like both shots, each different. I think the second one works really well for abstract. Hard to determine what it is , hence great for the theme!!!! Great work!!! :clap:
  6. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    :) Another good idea for the theme Nick. It looks an interesting place to visit and the concept works well for 'random'. Great picture!!! :clap:
  7. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    :):) That is great Nick!!!! I really like that last edit. Works so well. Well done :clap:
  8. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    Nice work Nick. I like the monochrome effect. Captures the theme very well and it works. :)
  9. Yorkie-girl

    Band of HM Royal Marines - Remembering the Falklands 30

    Great capture of the band. You can almost hear them!!!!:) What a great weekend it must have been. 30 years as well......where does time go!!! :shrug: Again...... great photos and so clear and shiny!!!!
  10. Yorkie-girl

    Hey there, I'm new :)

    Welcome Adam!!! Hope you find it useful being on here....really helpful!!! Vicky
  11. Yorkie-girl

    HMS York - Type 42 Destroyer

    Well done Nick for capturing another iconic image. Looks very impressive and am sure you enjoyed the photography. :clap: I would love to have been able to have had a visit :)
  12. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    Hi Nick..... what a great idea for authority. It is such a simple photo, but it works brilliantly and you have captured the theme perfectly. I love it!!!!:clap: Almost missed the car at the top of the photo!!!! Great effort.:thumbs:
  13. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    You've certainly captured the theme well for flight Nick!!! I liked the helicopter shot and thought that was it!!! Then scrolled down and saw the photo. Works really well for 'flight' Well done!!! :clap:
  14. Yorkie-girl

    weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

    Hi Nick, Good to hear you are going to be here with us for a bit longer!!! Another good idea for 'short'. Quite effective with the ice in the glass. Again, it works well for the subject. :clap:
  15. Yorkie-girl

    Toulouse Goose, Gander & Gaggle of Goslings

    Hi Nick, Great shots of the geese and goslings!!!! You did well to get the shot. Works really well and love it!!!! :)