Photo stolen for website. Advice on legal language please.

Studi0488 said:
You will have to explain your comments? I fully understand copyright

And as for insinuating we are not commercial photographers, what's all that about?

If 8 staff, 250+k turnover, our own (not rented) 6500sq feet fully equipped studio, some of the biggest clients in the uk, is a "so called" commercial photography business then I can't wait until Eric are a proper one.

Certainly. You've alluded to commercial work from what I've seen, but never fully stated that you are a commercial photographer- hence 'so called'. It's a turn of phrase rather than an insult.

However, your views on defending copyright are frankly pants.
I'd move the mark nearer the middle of your images in future, makes it harder for them to disguise it's origins.