flash gun

  1. J

    I Need Help on Flash Gun Technique for Shooting Interiors

    Hi all I photograph office interiors for my company and need some help regarding my technique. On one of our project shoots I was asked to shadow a pro photographer and noticed he was using flash guns pointed at the ceiling/wall. The closest example I can find is this video: View...
  2. Mountkeen

    Nikon SB 600 fault

    My Nikon SB 600 doesn't get used a great deal, but I got it out this weekend to take some shots at a friend's party. I use rechargeable NiMH batteries in it and always remove the batteries if its not going to be used for any time. I put a set of newly charged batteries into the SB 600 and the...
  3. M

    For info: DIY flashgun grid, build your own instructions

    In my search for info on studio grids / honeycombs I found this handy guide to making your own speedlight grids. http://www.granjow.net/grid.html Lots of handy instruction photos.