landscape photography you tube

  1. martinfuge

    You Tube Channel

    Hi all, I know You Tube is saturated like with most other genres now but I thought I would just share my channel. A very small YouTuber sadly YouTube seems to have taken a dislike to me and wiped alot of views and my subs seem to be going down daily. So I thought I would try and reach out to a...
  2. martinfuge

    Landscape Photography - East Yorkshire's Only Waterfall

    Hello The other day I went to North Landing in East Yorkshire to photograph the waterfall between the cliffs. This is my vlog on my You Tube channel of my visit. Thanks
  3. martinfuge

    Landscape Photography Vlog - Sun, Sea and a Lighthouse

    Hi all, on Sunday morning I went to Flamborough to take some photos. Below is a vlog on my YouTube channel. Feel free to like, comment, share and subscribe if you enjoyed seeing more of my future vlogs. Thank you
  4. martinfuge

    Landscape Photography Vlog - Janet's Foss in the Yorkshire Dales

    Last week I visited Janet's Foss in the Yorkshire Dales. Made this vlog, hope you enjoy.