
  1. N

    Overzealous Security

    Had my first experience of overzealous security yesterday morning. I may have overreacted. No Photography Here#1 by NPUK, on Flickr No Photography Here#2 by NPUK, on Flickr Luckily I’d already got a half decent shot from across the road earlier in the morning… Streets of Leeds - Whitehall...
  2. justpix

    Bodycam BOBLOV KJ21 after a few days

    Hi, trying to be systematic ... Context : The Sonnenhof is a an upper middle-class residential area in Nieder-Olm, belonging to an administrative group of villages around Mainz/D. Mainz is a medium low crime area, our national champion being the crime-capital Berlin. Medium low crime area...
  3. Sejanus Aelianus

    So you want data security?

    This method of ensuring your old disks can't be misused was suggested to me by one of the engineers in my team, back when I managed a server room. In those days it seemed a little drastic but with the current price of disks... Step 1: Undo the screws holding the top cover (there are seven on...