
  1. monkeyleader

    Something for Monday

    ... some soft light falling over White Rocks Beach, just outside Portrush in Northern Ireland. have a great week everyone ... Nige
  2. monkeyleader

    Color at the Edges

    High above the roaring sea nature still finds a way to prosper. I love how, at this time of the year, the edges between the water and the land, burst into colour ....Makes for quite a sight right along the coastline. Fuji XT1 + 18-135mm Formatt Hitech 4 stop ND ISO 200, f/14, 4.1 seconds...
  3. monkeyleader

    Your Beauty Blows Me Away

    Picking out the smaller details with the Fujifilm 100-400 ... Two exposures blended to give appropriate depth of field across the two stalks .. No more than 50 foot away was a forest full to bursting with wild garlic. Never before lay in a dew soaked field at 5.30am contemplating chicken...
  4. monkeyleader

    Softness Under a Steel Sky

    Despite only about 4 hours sleep over a 3 day trip to Co.Donegal (lordy that place is incredible) I couldn't resist stopping at a favourite coastal location. Light breeze with high altitude cirrus clouds combined with coastal sand-dune reeds .. Gets me every time .. Double exposure (in camera)...