1st go at water drops

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Well it was inevitable I had to have a go at water drops sometime so today was it. For a first attempt I’m not too disappointed in the ones I got, but I obviously need more practice.



2nd one is awesome love it.
What lens are you using?
Think they are all great, must try this soon. Think the Royak wedding day is looking good :LOL:
no need for more practice i think they are great ,it has inspired me to have a go(y)
no need for more practice i think they are great ,it has inspired me to have a go(y)

When you see some of the photos that people do I have a long way to go. ;)

It was reasuring to see whilst browsing earlier that quite a few people are using triggers to capture their drop collisions.

Also a bit depressing though that some people manage to consistently get them without triggers.

I'm quite enjoying just playing with these as I'm off sick with sciatica at the moment, so I'm not very mobile. :)

Here are a couple from today this time with my Nikon 24-70mm.


Wow! I need to try this absolutely wonderful...would be nice to see a photo of your setup of how you positioned things?
Wow! I need to try this absolutely wonderful...would be nice to see a photo of your setup of how you positioned things?

Thanks, I'll do a photo of the set up tomorrow it's nothing fancy though.
Here are some more from todays efforts, tried doing drops onto an acrylic sheet instead of into liquid.



Fab set cant believe you got collisions first go, they dont look like first attempts more experienced shots to be honest
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Fab set cant believe you got collisions first go, they dont look like first attempts more experienced shots to be honest

Beginners luck Dave, just beginners luck :) these are genuinely my first attempts, you want to see how many didn't have collisions :)
I'm now onto my 3rd session of playing with drops must admit I'm pretty happy with some of the ones I've got so far.
I don't know how long the interest will last for but for now it's a nice diversion from this bloody sciatica :) .
love them on acrylic,mega. Don't forget to show us ya set up,gonna av a bash at this.
Ok here is my setup for these shots, as I said nothing special anyone can have a go. The bottle of water and food colouring is quite stable up there but I probably need to think of a safer way of positioning that. :)

The main components I had to buy were an Algarde Starter Valve (£1.29) and some 6mm airline (£1.99) which I bought from swelluk.com but if you have an aquarium shop nearby you can buy from there.

I have 2 flashes in the picture but for the majority of shots in the thread I’ve used 1 off camera flash and my on-board flash. I have a window to the right of this desk so I used that light as well and used white canvases as reflectors.

The red pictures were done with my meat chopping board as a backdrop and I used some old Christmas wrapping underneath the water container. If you look closely at the 1st picture I posted in the bottom right you can see the “chr” of Christmas.

With the valve you can adjust how quickly you want the drops to fall. I initially set it at a slow speed then I positioned a ruler so that the middle of the drop hits the edge I then focus on the edge of the ruler.

When using the white background I experimented with my cameras white balance settings to get some colour into the shot. Lightroom/Photoshop also helps to tweak the colours




I'm inspired, I've always wanted to do drop photography. Thanks for posting the set up too