1st macro shot (Dragonfly)

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Bought a used Canon 100mm macro of Ebay that arrived a couple of days before our family holiday to Corfu so took it along to try it out. I spent the first few days seeing wasps and various butterflies that refused to land then spotted this chappy on the beach near the showers.

Dragonfly in Corfu by Gnasher68, on Flickr
I have to show my ignorance as I don't know the type of Dragonfly (I have searched Google but anything that looks similar doesn't give it's full name).

Taken handheld, AV, auto focus. Leaning over some branches with some inquisitive looks from the other holidaymakers :wacky:.

I know it's not as sharp as it could be so will be looking to improve.

Thanks for looking and any comments.
Well done, done. Well there.
Thanks for the comments, Keeled Skimmer looks good to me Bob. The nearest I could find was a White Faced Dragonfly on Edupic website. Not sure I'd like to eat it though!