1st post

Edit My Images
In my introduction I said that I would upload some photos, so here they are:

Saturday 18th Jan 06 @ Mallham Tarn. Only just got out of the carpark before the battery in the camera went dead. I thought it had much more charge in it than it did (slaps head!). I must get back to get some more and spend the day in the area.

Critique etc welcome:



Malham is a great area, I got some great shots at the Tarn and also on the ridge overlooking the valley. Its a real shame your batteries were flat and I would agree that you should go back to get some more shots, there is a lot of great subject matter to photograph in that area :)
Will do, dam battery. I did boarder the pictures but they dont show on the white background of internet explorer. Photobucket seems to have scaled them down too.
You just need to put a 1pix keyline around the edge and it will show the white border then :)
Like the 1st shot lots!
You'll never have a flat battery in your camera again- I did that the once, and spent half the day walking round with the battery stuffed in the waist of my jeans, trying to warm it back to life...lol :embarasse Now I ALWAYS carry a fully charged spare with me. Live n learn!!
really like those, thanks for sharing and welcome along!
Very nice is the first one, very good composition, looking forward to many more:thumb:
Welcome - they are a friendly lot here and I have found many helpful and constructive comments - enjoy!!!
cheers guys - comments much appricated. I'll have to get a spare battery and leave it in the car fully charged. gutted that I couldnt get any more. Will try adding a black hairline boarder around the shots in future. plus take into account the 3rds rule.

think i might go after some urban shots next time.

Nice set of shots Goat ... especially the first ! :thumb:

Shame about the shadow in the foreground of the second ? :ponders:

Great skies though ! :clap:

And ... welcome to our humble forum ! :smilenod: