3 Night Nutters and Poweeeeeeeeerrr!!!


In Memoriam
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What happens when three nutters of the night photography world get together with some cool toy's to play with and 1100w of power :D

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of meeting up with Andrew (AndWhyNot) so arranged with thedodo to make sure that we could have a fun evening of light painting, it was great to finally meet Andrew, having been friends for a while and a massive fan of his work for even longer :D

To make things really go with a bang I picked up a portable generator so we could power some lasers and a smoke machine (y)

This is one of the resulting images from the evening, and already looking forward to meeting up again in the future (y)

63/365 (794) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

As with all my images comments and critique are welcomed and appreciated (y)

Isn't that a well know dogging tunnel? :LOL:

Great stuff...we need some more (y)
vince31 said:
Very nice work lads , would love to see more shots from that session !



I'll try and post some more later :) maybe Andrew and Darrell will post some too :)

Martyn D said:
Isn't that a well know dogging tunnel? :LOL:

Great stuff...we need some more (y)

It's legendary :D I'll see about posting some more in a little bit :)
Your image makes me think you've shorted out The Matrix with all those sparks, and caused its graphics to default to wireframe CGA (mode 4, palette 0). </geek>
Tori_T said:
Your image makes me think you've shorted out The Matrix with all those sparks, and caused its graphics to default to wireframe CGA (mode 4, palette 0). </geek>

We've broken the machine :D
crazy stuff i love it :)

Thanks Derek, glad that you like it, if this is the kind of thing you like or would like to have a go at it, then you should consider coming to the north yorkshire meet we have planned later this year (y) it will be a lot of fun, there's a link to the thread in my signature (y)
Hi Matt
I am a fan of your work, usually, but not keen on this. Too much going on IMHO of course. Technique is, of course, perfect though.

Thanks John, your comments are appreciated (y) and can see where your coming from on it being a little busy :LOL:
hi matt i'd love to come and play out have you set any dates/venue? depending on my work schedule it sounds great - i've done a bit of light painting and got some stuff i've made also got the v24 7 color...
hi matt i'd love to come and play out have you set any dates/venue? depending on my work schedule it sounds great - i've done a bit of light painting and got some stuff i've made also got the v24 7 color...

We have a northern meet planed for Sunday 21st July, there will be a few Manc based members there (y)