5 bar gate

I doubt that it will get much traction on this forum but it's an intriguing image, for me it really needs to be part of a set to give a better sense of what you are trying to convey.
Thanks for your nice comment Chris, I will be posting more montages. I enjoy taking photographs but for me that's not all there is to it and I missed the hands under the enlarger light.

Photoshop introduced layers in ver3 1994, ver4 in 1996 came with blend modes and that was the start of Digital Montage Art.

In the 1840's it was said that photography would eclipse painting, it didn't. Many people said of digital art that it would replace straight photography, it didn't. One reason for that could be that Photoshop is perceived as being difficult. It is my contention that it is the easiest and fastest editing program, if it wasn't the professionals would have given it the 'heave ho' many years ago.
