A bad attempt at a great tit lets here how we can improove it please

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It's been croped a fair bit but I reckon that the lens an old plasticy sigma zoom is to blame as well as my poor knowledge of the required setings.

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The problem I have with it is that the feeders are underneath the shrubs/tree, so you won't get a lot of light. You're shooting into shadows which I personally avoid, especially at high ISOs.
how about now and for my next lesson on posting I shall learn how to resize the thing

Yay resized now as well
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The problem I have with it is that the feeders are underneath the shrubs/tree, so you won't get a lot of light. You're shooting into shadows which I personally avoid, especially at high ISOs.

H'mm thanks never thought of that i'll moove one to a sunny location tommorrow.

It all seems a little fuzzy to me but it was like that pre crop as well
Well Jared your exif is showing an aperture of F1.$ which is confusing to start with :thinking: along with a focal length of 0.0mm which has confused me even more :D Your lens is obviously a major cause of the quality here and a high iso of 3200 is not doing you any favours. If you reposition the feeders make sure they are out in the light a little bit more. If you can get in amongst the bushes ( if there are any ) for cover all the better. Just remember that you will need the light coming from behind you if possible. A tripod or solid resting position is vital as well. Use spot metering, the weather looks good today so use an iso of about 400/800. Experiment with an aperture of about F5.6/F8.0 this will give you a bit of room for the depth of field. Also just keep an eye on your shutter speed, I am not sure what the focal length of your lens is but your shutter speed needs to be equivelent or greater than the focal length of what your lens is set at. For example if your lens is set to 200mm then your shutter needs to be 200 or more. Hope this is of some help.
Some great advice here, Ive learned a lot.
Just keep keeping on, sometimes we get ahead of ourselves and we need to clear previous settings and start over.