Critique A bug or 2

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Hi all, been at the in-laws for 2 days, yesterday was raining and not nice but today was so much better, 18 and full sun :cool:
Anyhow, this 1st bug and im not sure what it was (I never know) was on the living room floor juust waiting for me to take some shots, this is the best of the bunch, taken at full
zoom and with a 2 x t/c on just for the pleasure and flash used with diffuzer, New Tokina atx pro 100 macro lens.
No exif as t/c dont have contacts.
Ps, shots are not cropped, just sharpened and cleaned up a bit.
View attachment 31373
Millipede was at about 2/3rds zoom again with t/c on. (natual light)
View attachment 31363

Thanks for looking and any C&C is welcome.
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Woah, love that first one. Looks like some kind of Tiger Beetle but I'm not sure. Looks like you are getting some good results with that new lens already, and you've got a good composition to go with it. Only crit is the DoF could do with being a bit wider if possible and it might take a touch of warming (I'm looking on my work laptop atm which is a rubbish screen anyway), but really like this one.

For a natural light shot that millipede is very impressive, especially as it looks to be on the run. I think if you had used flash you would be able to get more detail from it, but also you'd be able to even the light out more (given sufficient diffusion). Just to be able to get this with natural light is brilliant though.
Woah, love that first one. Looks like some kind of Tiger Beetle but I'm not sure. Looks like you are getting some good results with that new lens already, and you've got a good composition to go with it. Only crit is the DoF could do with being a bit wider if possible and it might take a touch of warming (I'm looking on my work laptop atm which is a rubbish screen anyway), but really like this one.

For a natural light shot that millipede is very impressive, especially as it looks to be on the run. I think if you had used flash you would be able to get more detail from it, but also you'd be able to even the light out more (given sufficient diffusion). Just to be able to get this with natural light is brilliant though.

Cheers Tim, some type of stink bug I think, was as I said on the living room floor liking the log burner heat I think, was happy to stay still long enough for lots of shots. As the t/c does not have contacts It was set on F4 I think other wise all is a bit dark, (still getting used to it)
(just warmed it up a tad) As for the millipede I didnt want to spoil the shot with the flash, even now the sun is bright here on a nice day like today.
Anyway, glad you like them and always good to get crit from you guys :D
Really like the first shot Graham, good composition and nice and sharp where it really needs to be.(y)

some type of stink bug I think
It's definitely a beetle rather than a bug. The mouth parts give it a way. The bugs (true bugs anyway, including stink bugs) have sucking mouth parts, usually formed into a spear-like projection which they stab into plants or other things, and then suck up the juices. Beetle's have "chewing" mouth parts they use to crunch up their food before eating.
Who are you and what have you done with the cr@ppy Graham shooter? :p :p

#1 is awesome and #2 is great for a natural lit shot. As Timmy said flash would have bought out a little more detail.
Who are you and what have you done with the cr@ppy Graham shooter? :p :p

#1 is awesome and #2 is great for a natural lit shot. As Timmy said flash would have bought out a little more detail.
Thanks Bryn, I took more than 350 shots and these 2 are all I can offer to show :banghead: even with the t/c on and raynox I still couldn't get a good shot of a globie :( they are just too small for my setup.